Mastering Roulette Bets: Inside and Outside Bets Explained

Mastering Roulette Bets: Inside and Outside Bets Explained

Roulette is a timeless casino classic that captivates players with its suspenseful spins and diverse betting options. There are several version of roulette available to play here at Galera and in this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of roulette bets, diving deep into inside and outside bets. By the end of this post, you will be well-equipped with the knowledge you need to take your roulette game to the next level.

Understanding Roulette Basics

Before we delve into roulette bets, you should know some fundamentals. The game consists of a spinning wheel with numbered segments and a small ball. In each round, the ball is released and circles round the wheel until it finally stops on one of the segments. The players place bets on the outcome of the spin, trying to predict where the ball will land. There are plenty of different types of bets that all have different winning criteria and payouts.

The wheel is divided into 37 or 38 segments, depending on whether you're playing European (single zero) or American (double zero) roulette. The pockets are numbered from 0 (and 00 in American roulette) to 36, with alternating red and black colours.

Inside Bets: Precision and High Risk

Inside bets are placed directly on the numbered grid of the roulette table. They are called 'inside bets' because they are located within the inner area of the table layout. These bets generally have a higher risk but offer more substantial payouts. The various types of inside bets are as follows:

Straight-up Bet

A straight-up bet is placed on a single number, including 0 or 00. The payout for this bet is 35 to 1, meaning that if you bet $1 and win, you'll receive $35 plus your initial bet.

Split Bet

A split bet is placed on the line between two adjacent numbers. By doing this, you're betting that either of the two numbers will come up. The payout for a split bet is 17 to 1.

Street Bet

A street bet covers a row of three consecutive numbers, such as 1-2-3 or 22-23-24. To make this bet, place your chips on the outer edge of the row you want to cover. The payout for a street bet is 11 to 1.

Corner Bet

A corner bet covers four adjacent numbers that form a square, such as 5-6-8-9. To place this bet, put your chips on the intersection of the four numbers. The payout for a corner bet is 8 to 1.

Five-number Bet

This bet is exclusive to American roulette and covers the numbers 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3. To place a five-number bet, position your chips on the intersection of 0, 00, and 1. The payout for this bet is 6 to 1.

Line Bet

A line bet covers two adjacent rows, totalling six numbers. To place this bet, put your chips on the outer edge of the two rows, at their intersection. The payout for a line bet is 5 to 1.

Outside Bets: Lower Risk and Broader Coverage

Outside bets are placed outside the numbered grid, in the outer area of the table layout. They are considered lower risk because they cover a broader range of outcomes, but they also offer lower payouts. The different types of outside bets include:

Column Bet

A column bet covers an entire column of 12 numbers on the roulette table. To place this bet, you put your chip in one of the boxes marked "2 to 1" at the bottom of the column. If any of the 12 numbers in the column wins, the payout is 2:1.

Dozen Bet

A dozen bet covers a group of 12 consecutive numbers, with three options available: 1-12 (1st dozen), 13-24 (2nd dozen), and 25-36 (3rd dozen). To place this bet, you put your chip in the corresponding box marked "1st 12," "2nd 12," or "3rd 12." If any of the 12 numbers in the chosen group wins, the payout is also 2:1.

High or Low Bet

A high or low bet covers either the first half of the numbers (1-18) or the second half (19-36). To place this bet, you put your chip in the box marked "1 to 18" or "19 to 36." If any of the numbers in the chosen range wins, the payout is 1:1.

Red or Black Bet

A red or black bet covers all the red or black numbers on the roulette wheel. To place this bet, you put your chip in the box marked "Red" or "Black." If any of the numbers in the chosen color wins, the payout is 1:1.

Even or Odd Bet

An even or odd bet covers all the even or odd numbers on the wheel. To place this bet, you put your chip in the box marked "Even" or "Odd." If any of the numbers in the chosen category wins, the payout is 1:1.

0 an 00 in Outside Bets

Note that for all outside bets, 0 and 00 (in American roulette) are not considered part of any of the groups and result in a loss for all outside bets.

Build Your Strategy Today

Now you know every single Roulette bet you can head over to any game and apply your newfound knowledge. You never know where the ball will land next, but you are in full control of what bets you place in each round, and how much money you bet with. For example, you may prefer to go with even chance bets such as red/black or high/low. Alternatively, you may use a combination of streets and dozens, making bets that cover many segments. Some players just pick out a handful of “lucky numbers” such as birthdays, anniversaries, or any other numbers that may bring some fortune. However you choose to play, always remember to spend within your means and always have fun at the Roulette wheel.