Introduction to Perfect Pairs Side Bet

Blackjack and Baccarat are two of the most popular casino games played worldwide. Both games have a long history, with roots dating back centuries. They have evolved over time, adapting to the ever-changing preferences of players and the innovations brought about by technology. Although each game has its unique rules and gameplay, they share similarities in that they both involve a degree of skill and decision-making.

In this article, we will discuss an exciting side bet called Perfect Pairs that can be found in both games here at We will delve into its mechanics, how to use this side bet, and the strategies employed by players to maximise their chances of winning.

What is a Perfect Pairs Bet?

A Perfect Pairs side bet is an additional wager that players can make alongside their primary bet in either Blackjack or Baccarat. This side bet is based on the first two cards dealt to the player or, in the case of Baccarat, either the player or the banker. The bet pays out if the initial two cards form a pair, with the payout depending on the type of pair formed.

Perfect Pairs Side Bet in Blackjack

In Blackjack, the side bet can only be placed at the beginning of the round, and it is independent of the regular Blackjack bet.

To win the Perfect Pairs side bet, the first two cards dealt to the player or the dealer must be a pair of the same rank and suit.

There are three types of pairs in the Perfect Pairs side bet:

Perfect Pair

Two identical cards, such as two 8s of diamonds. This is the highest-paying.

Coloured Pair

Two cards of the same rank and colour but from different suits, such as an 8 of diamonds and an 8 of hearts, both of which are red.

Mixed Pair

Two cards of the same rank but different suits and colours, such as an 8 of diamonds and an 8 of clubs.


The payout for each pair type varies depending on the game you pick, for example, Playtech Origins’s Perfect Blackjack Multihand 5 offers the following payouts:

  • Perfect Pair: 25 to 1
  • Coloured Pair: 12 to 1
  • Mixed Pair: 6 to 1

Perfect Pairs Side Bet Strategies in Blackjack

The Perfect Pairs side bet in Blackjack is a high-risk, high-reward bet. It is important to understand that the odds of getting a Perfect Pair are relatively low, and the house edge for the Perfect Pairs side bet can be as high as 6%.

You have quite a few options when it comes to these side bets, especially when you can play with multiple hands. When playing multihand Blackjack it is always best to maximise your potential to beat the house by playing all possible hands. Then, you can place the Perfect Pairs side bet on each hand, giving you a larger coverage and better chance of landing a win. This will require a larger bankroll, as you will play 3 to 5 side bets in each round. For this reason, it is best to keep your side bets small, and play with the same amount in every round. If you change the size of your side bet after each round, then it will be more difficult to keep track of how much you have spent in side bets, so you will not know whether you have made a profit or not.

Perfect Pairs Side Bet in Baccarat

In Baccarat, the Perfect Pairs side bet is a bit different than in Blackjack. The side bet is placed on the Players or the Bankers first two cards being a pair, and can be made in each round. The bet does not relate to the winner of the round, but only relates to whether the player will be drawn a pair, and what type of pair it is.

Perfect Pair

If there are two cards that make up a Perfect Pair (identical cards in both rank and suit) in either the players or the bankers hand.

Player/Banker Pair

This is a bet on whether the banker or the player will draw up a pair. You can bet separately on the bankers hand or on the players hand.

Either Pair

This bet has the greatest coverage as all it requires is for either the player or the banker to draw a pair.


In Premium Baccarat, from Playtech Origins, the following bets can be made

  • Perfect Pair: pays out at 25 to 1
  • Player Pair: pays out at 11 to 1
  • Banker Pair: pays out at 11 to 1
  • Either Pair: pays out at 5:1

Thus, you can bet on the

Understanding the Odds of Perfect Pairs in Baccarat

In Baccarat, the Perfect Pairs side bet is also a high-risk, high-reward bet. The odds of getting a Perfect Pair in Baccarat are relatively low, and the house edge for the Perfect Pairs side bet can be as high as 14%.

Perfect Pairs offer the biggest payouts but they are quite rare. The best chance of winning comes with the Either Pair bet (in Premium Baccarat).

Adding Excitement to Every Round

The Perfect Pairs side bet in Blackjack and Baccarat can add an extra layer of excitement to the game. However, it's important to remember that this is a high-risk, high-reward bet, and the odds of winning are relatively low. Despite this, it can yield some pretty hefty rewards, especially if you are drawn a Perfect Pair. In the meantime, you are still playing Baccarat or Blackjack, and trying to beat the House. Also remember, that in multihand Blackjack, you can improve your chances of winning by playing with multiple hands in each round. Ultimately, the Perfect Pairs side bet should be seen as an addition to the game, and not as a way to make a profit.